Enjoy a quick Valentine's Day romance. A little drama, a little romance, a little Happy Every After. Feb.16, 2024
Can she write herself a better Christmas? Listen to first chapter here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHcRtEwIQRc
I grabbed an empty bucket to sit on, opened Cade’s computer, and pulled up one of my favorite nerdy websites.
The image sprang to life. Then the lights went out. For a moment, my skin tightened up around me like an old leather glove... Contact me for a FREE audio book while they last.
5 Star 🌟 Review
Intense, dark, gritty and real
This book will stay with you long after the last page. I absolutely adored Jim. And Dash became so much more than I expected. The characters are what make this story so compelling. The ending was perfect. I highly recommend this book and author.
From Review:
"I wish I had this story growing up. This story did not sugar coat the struggles of growing up in your teenage years."
She gave her all for love - was that a mistake?
"Wonderful story. Pulls at every fiber of your being."
When Beth lost her father to cancer and her husband to another woman, she didn’t know where to turn. So she retreated to the family cabin at Stutter Creek. Some of the best times of her life were spent at that cabin. That’s where she met her first crush, a boy named John. But that was many years ago . . . could he possibly still be around? Or would she find something sinister instead?
Ella and her son survived her ex-husband's drunken wrath. They are starting a new life in a new town, Stutter Creek. She's even met a real man. A gentle wild life biologist named Chet Boone. But now, her ex has been released from prison early. Is that him driving past their new house late at night? Is he the one causing the strange sounds and flickering lights? Can they survive a second round with a madman?
They call him the Killer Cartographer because he carves the map coordinates of each victim on the femur of the one before. Then he tattoos the information on his skin. Can Detective Kendra Dean bring him in, or will she become his next tattoo?
Senior prom is the happiest night of Gabi’s life. Her crush has just revealed that he is every bit as infatuated with her as she is with him. When he has a car wreck and is transported to the hospital in a coma, Gabi feels as if she’s taken a knife to the heart. But his jealous cousin, Rose, sees her chance to give the knife an even harder twist. She convinces Gabi to meet her at a local parking spot outside town. It's a night that will change several lives forever. One of the girls will return, and one will become known as the remains in the pond.
What would you do if a phantom needed your help?
When a small plane crashes behind Jase's rural home, strange things begin to happen. But no one believes him. After all, there's no such thing as a ghost, right? Then he sees his classmate, whose nickname is Stevie-girl, about to enter the legendary haunted house. He knows if anyone can help him solve the mystery, she's the one.
Just as a new student with Tourette syndrome arrives at their school, Stevie and Jase also become aware of the presence of a ghost. Do the two instances have something to do with one another?
When the new student falls prey to the school bullies, Stevie knows they must act. But will they be too late, or will a tragic moment in their school's history be repeated on Halloween night?
Stevie and her best friend, Jase, are phantom magnets. Whenever they are together, the doorway between this world and the next swings slightly open.
The summer his parents treat them to a camping trip in New Mexico, the two friends can’t wait to visit the legendary Crybaby Bridge. Right away, they hear the crying baby. Is it a phantom, or is someone playing tricks on them?
As the two friends scour the campgrounds for answers, they discover that phantoms are not the only secrets the nearby town has kept hidden for over 60 years. They also discover things about each other, and about Stevie’s family history, that will force their relationship to a whole new level—a level from which there may be no return.
Once again Stevie encounters a phantom in need of assistance. This time it happened in a prison graveyard in Amarillo, Texas. That’s also where she found her dad, Big Steve, but it didn’t end there. This phantom not only coaxed Stevie and Jase across state lines, she coaxed them across all kinds of other boundaries, too.
Of course she did, after all, this one was the Phantom of Forever.
TAKERS is being republished in 2022 ... it is currently undergoing an update.
SEEKERS, Book Two in the series, will also be published in 2022. Stay tuned for Cover Reveals!
When the cosmic fabric separating the dimensions rips open and spits the inhabitants of Purgatory into his hometown, Jack just happens to be in his school’s basement. That’s the only thing that saves him.
The initial rip is so forceful it kills everyone and everything that isn’t indoors or underground. The tag line for this book might be I pray the Lord my soul to take, because the creatures from Purgatory only want one thing: new, unsullied, souls.
Eventually, Jack stumbles across a few other survivors. One is a deaf pit bull named Snake. Together they make their way to a safe house in New Mexico where they are forced to make their final stand.
Not everyone will survive.
Book Three in the trilogy. The Seekers found Jack's father, but it took a toll on everyone. Now all they have left is faith, hope, love and a flock of Takers. Will it be enough to start again?